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Michael Pollan Love

April 14, 2010

A few things to start off the post..

#1- the Calphalon Pans winner!! is………….. JIL from PeaceLuvMunchies!

Congrats girl! Email me your shipping address and info and they’ll be send right on over to you 🙂 Thank you to everyone who participated, I hope to have another giveaway in the works soon as well.

#2- Remember the Costa Rica yoga retreat I went on in January? It was beyond amazing and an experience of a lifetime. Well, yoga teachers Camille and Heather are at it again and the dates are June 19-26. I made up the flyer and wanted to let everyone know about it. I couldn’t recommend it more, I did it now knowing anyone and left having life long friends and a better understanding of who I am. If you’re interested you can contact Camille or Heather. Their contact info is at the bottom of the flyer.

So why the Michael Pollan love? Last night Michael Pollan was scheduled to speak at Goucher College. It’s only about a 20 minute drive from me and when Jordan told me about the event a few months ago I immediately reserved my ticket.

I went to a hot vinyasa class last night then quickly grabbed a quiznos veggie sub and drove to pick up Jordan. Her boyfriend had saved us up close and personal seats and I was ready to hear my main man speak. It was a conversational interview so he made sure to answer lots of questions from the interviewer as well as the students of the college.

Michael Pollan went to a small liberal arts college in Vermont and graduated with an English major. He then continued to receive his Masters at Columbia. He believed he would go on to be an English professor. It shows how your career has all sorts of turns in order to get you where you end up.

When asked by a student “what should college students eat?” He responded that when he was in college he was a bad eater himself. He was a big McDonalds lover.

The main answer to this question was “be conscious of what you eat”. Give it a little thought. Your decisions represent a vote and your values. When you think about what you are eating you will make better choices that will benefit the land and animals.

When speaking about his book Omnivore’s Dilemma he explained that two opposite effects happened. Some people came up to him and said “after I read your book, I had to go vegetarian” and others said ” I was vegetarian until I read your book, then I realized that I can consume meat and have it come from the right places”.

When asked if he eats meat the answer was a definite yes. He eats meat, but they’re not from feedlots.  He tries to eat close to the source but food miles is not the only metric. You need to consider how they’re produced. The way the meat was produced is much more important than how it was transported.

Another question asked was “eating healthy is very expensive, so how to eat healthy on a lower end budget

He answered to getting off of processed foods. Invest your time instead of money. You can cook 3 to 4 meals on Sunday and freeze them for the upcoming week. Eat oatmeal for breakfast, buy beans in bulk. There are options that we can take to still eat quality food but not spend lots of money on it. Cooking is the only way we can control our diets.

We can change the price of food with our decisions we make. In America, we spend less than 10% of our income on food. That is less than any people that have ever lived. Health care costs have gone up because of this. Cheap food has underwritten linings, and the goal should be to make sure people have enough money to buy healthier food, not to make food cheaper. We can vote with our food dollars.

Europe spends 16-17% of their income on food.  We should not have to choose between food and healthcare.

He also stated that the word organic creates a healthy halo around foods. The facts are simple.
Organic junk food is still junk food. We need to be fueling ourselves with real food and focus on that.

Fun fact: He used to own a pet pig when he was younger named Kosher.

I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to hear him speak. We are starting a movement here, a food revolution and we can decide the future.

I waited in line after the speech to get both my books signed. Unfortunately he didn’t have time to personalize them, otherwise I would have had him write AS + MP forever, or AS + MP = love. haha

Jordan was able to snap a pic of me while I asked him where he ate while he stayed in MD? His answer? PF CHANGS! Never would have guessed. He got the salmon for all of you who are wondering 🙂

26 Comments leave one →
  1. April 14, 2010 7:09 am

    That’s crazy that American’s only spend 10% of their income on food. It is so hard to convince people that buying fresh, non-processed food is not more expensive. Did you see Food Inc? The part that always resonates with me is when that family feels like they are getting more value eating at McDonald’s than buying broccoli.

  2. April 14, 2010 7:09 am

    Amazing (to both the Michael Pollan event and winning [uhh, thank you so much!!!!!]! I agree most people think of healthy eating as extremely expensive – but it’s all about balance…some smaller items (like really good almond butter) are more expensive but you can balance it with cheaper grains, etc! Like everything else in life, grocery shoppin’ is alllll about balance! 😀 (Plus, I like to buy thins like brown rice, etc. in bulk!)

  3. April 14, 2010 7:11 am

    What a great event, I totally agree! College students should be eating better- it is something I am working on everyday!

  4. April 14, 2010 7:44 am

    Words cannot describe how jealous i am!!!

  5. charmcitykim permalink
    April 14, 2010 7:45 am

    That is so cool!

  6. April 14, 2010 7:53 am

    I am dying at how cool that is to have your book signed! I should have went, but did’t think about it until it was too late!

  7. Megan permalink
    April 14, 2010 8:33 am

    I’m so upset I didn’t hear about this until last night when it was over!!! I’m so jealous you got to see Michael Pollan! That’s awesome!

  8. April 14, 2010 8:41 am

    how cool that you got to hear him! I still haven’t read the Omnivore’s Dilemma or his new book, but I loved In Defense of Food.

    and that yoga retreat sounds amazing!

  9. April 14, 2010 9:19 am

    That is so cool that you got the hear him speak. I really admire his attitude that it all about being conscious in our food choices. He doesn’t preach veganism and only eating a certain diet, he tries to make us aware of the foods we consume. And a pig named Kosher and PF Changs for dinner — wouldn’t have expected that. Too funny!

  10. April 14, 2010 9:35 am

    Very cool! Thanks for filling us in on everything he said!

    I agree that eating healthy is EXPENSIVE but, you know what, it’s WORTH IT! These are our bodies and our health that we’re talking about after all! I won’t ever scrimp on food!

  11. April 14, 2010 9:55 am

    Ahhhh! You met Michael Pollan!!! Swooon! 🙂

  12. April 14, 2010 10:02 am

    Very cool, thanks for sharing with us.

  13. lowandbhold permalink
    April 14, 2010 10:12 am

    What a great opportunity! I love him!

  14. April 14, 2010 12:44 pm

    I am constantly having to defend how much $ I spend on food. I know I could cut back in a lot of places, but I like trying new things. Sometimes that means stuff that doesn’t pass muster gets thrown out. 😦

  15. April 14, 2010 2:08 pm

    Thanks for sharing this with us! I am listening to In Defense of Food (for my drive to and from work). I spend a ton of money on my food. This kind of makes me feel better about that.

  16. April 14, 2010 2:35 pm

    Oh man how cool you got to see him speak!! I def spend more than the average American on food! haha

  17. April 14, 2010 2:57 pm

    Man, Ashley how in the world do you manage to still look super cute after a sweat sesh??? I’m loving the bright pink. 🙂 I bet he would’ve said yes if you asked for a photo with him. heheh

    Thank you for a great re-cap!! And what a fun question to ask him…Interesting that he didn’t choose to get some crab cakes! hahaha

  18. April 14, 2010 8:06 pm

    How fun! It sounds like a great talk, and I’m sure fit perfectly at Goucher. After I graduated they started letting students grow their own herb gardens on campus, and I remember every year having a local foods week in the dinning hall. Glad to hear you had a great time! (And I have to say seeing those picture of Sandy (the school’s president) and SAS in the background of the last picture makes me a little nostalgic!)

  19. April 14, 2010 8:52 pm

    Very cool!! And I completely agree, especially on the $ savings when you cook rather than buy processed – it’s awesome!!

    P.F. Chang? That surprises me too! I love their citrus soy salmon!

  20. April 14, 2010 9:35 pm

    Oh man…jealous jealous jealous! I would love to have heard him speak. I’m still in the process of needing to buy his books!! Ugh. I want to read in defense of food. I have no excuse really. I just need to get down to actually buying the darn thing.

    • April 15, 2010 6:29 am

      See if they have the books at your local library! I’ve been doing that lately and its been saving me lots of $$!

  21. April 14, 2010 9:46 pm

    I totally agree with LuckyTasteBuds – how is it possible to still look that cute AFTER a sweat session? I generally look like death afterwards. Anyway, my friend Kathleen went to see his talk too and I wasn’t able to get her recap today so I was SO excited to read yours. It sounds like it was amazing, and I really appreciate his very realistic approach to healthy eating. I definitely need to add his books to my list!

  22. Shelley (findinghappinessandhealth) permalink
    April 14, 2010 10:36 pm

    what an amazing experience to hear him speak!! he seems like such an impressive man. i have to third ashley, you look gorgeous even thoug you were just working out love! & i also like that he said he ate like crap in college because although it isn’t necessarily the best thing, i dont think college should be 100% focused on healthy eating- ya know?


  23. April 15, 2010 8:50 am

    Awesome event! I’ve been carrying around one of his books all week hoping to get a chance to start it. Now I definitely will make time!

  24. April 15, 2010 10:41 am

    That Yoga retreat looks amazing. I have always wanted to do something like that. Finances are a bit tight now though. But that’s my goal in the future!!

  25. April 16, 2010 6:33 pm

    So cool, girlie! I saw him when he visited the Bay Area and had a similar experience, but I didn’t think to ask him something while getting my book signed! Haha! Love that he ate at PF Changs. That was good detective work of you to find out what he ordered 😉

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